Wembezi JunXion BAR

All documents which are for public review in terms of the National Environmental Management Act and other reports which may be of interest will be available for download here.

These will include all Basic Assessment Reports, Environmental Impact Assessment Reports, S24G Reports and all associated specialist Reports.

App-A1 Final PreApp Meeting Minutes-28-09-21
App A2 EA Application Signed
App A3 EAP Declaration
App B1 Photographs Portion 51 of 7 of the Farm Klipplaat Drift.
App B3 Site Zoning Plan
App B5 Site Layout Plan Wembezi Mall
App A4 Vicki King MEC CV Oct 2021
App B2 Locality Plan Portion 51 of 7 Klipplaats -Drift
App B4 Site Layout Plan Signed
App B6 Site Layout Plan PFS Signed
App B7 Light Industry Zoning Specifications.
App C1a Advert 1 NNN 8 Oct 2021
App C2a Wembezi BID Oct 2021
App C2c Proof of Delivery and Receipt of BID to Neighbours
App B8 Dept ALRRD Release of Agric Land 16 March 2022
App C1b Advert 1 Isolezwe 8 Oct-2021
App C2b Wembezi BID Oct 2021 isiZulu
App C3a Photographs of Site Notices
App C3b Site Notice English 8 October 2021
App C4a Email to IAPs BID 8 October-2021
App C4c Email to IAPs dBAR Reminder 27 Jan 2022
App D1 Heritage Impact Assessment Klipplaat Drif Farm HIA April 2021-1
App C3c Site Notice isiZulu 8 October 2021
App C4b Email to IAPs dBAR Dec 2021
App C6 Comments and Responses IAPs Final May 2022.
App D2 Palaeontological Impact Assessment Wembezi retail Klipplaatdrift 09 Feb 2022.
App D3 AMAFA Approval Case 17359 16 March 2022
App D5 Ecological Assessment Wembezi Shopping Centre
App D7 Traffic Impact Assessment Wembesi Development TIA Rev0 with declaration
App D4 Geotechnical Investigation 21 030R02 REV 1 March 2022
App D6 Hydrogeolgical Assessment 21 030R03 REV 1 March 2022
App D8 Wembezi Junxion Civil Eng Services Report Final.
App D10 ILLM Electricity Supply Available Capacity
App D11 Stormwater Management Plan Wembezi JunXion
App E EMPr Wembezi JunXion Final May 2022
App D12 Preliminary Sewer Reticulation Design Wembezi Junxion
App F Screening Report


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